Our research focuses on a variety of technical fields related to marine/industrial robotics and renewable energy.
- Remotely operated vehicles smart systems: including fault tolerant control, auto-tuning, one-click auto survey, augmented reality visualisations (transparent ocean).
- Remote & auto flight control of tethered parafoil kites for airborne wind energy & aerial sensor/comms platforms.
- Sensored telemetry streaming from fixed-wing aircraft, system identification, and controller design.
- Emergency response exercise planning & coordination. UAVs deployed in segregated airspace over a three-day exercise. Key partners: Irish Aviation Authority, Irish Naval Service, Irish Coast Guard, Commissioner of Irish Lights.
- Long Range High Bandwidth comm remote presence, live interaction with distant robotic vehicles independent of existing infrastructure.
- Ocean sensing platforms with daughter mini ROVs- for persistent remote presence offshore with global satellite comms (controlled & monitored anywhere in the world independent of existing infrastructure).
- Virtual and augmented reality.
- Airborne Wind Energy System

Meet OceanRINGS
SucceSsful control solution for any ROV
Suite of software tools for positioning and control of field robots/UAS with augmented reality displays.